A non-exhaustive list of projects I have worked on and published. Many of the projects were collaborative efforts.
Metric Meld
Metric Meld is a web game that lets you combine SI units to create more complex units. It’s a fun and educational way to learn about the Metric System while engaging in an exciting puzzle-solving experience. is the website of the student representative group at Hasso Plattner Institut. We completely rebuilt the page using Django/Wagtail to support the work of the student representatives.
MOOC course “Linux in der Kommandozeile”
The platform openHPI offers “massive open online courses” (MOOCs), which are free educational
courses with videos, assignments, quizzes and discussions. During my bachelor studies I had
the opportunity to create a course on a topic dear to me: Linux. Specifically the course is
about using Linux with the command line interface. The course is in German and was published
in early 2022.
A tool to create scrollytelling web pages, interactive multi-media web pages. Accessible to non-developers but can be enriched with interactive elements by developers within the environment. Created in a team of 5 at HPI’s bachelor project.
This tool allows you to simulate elections. Place candidates and voters on a political coordinate system, and compare different voting systems to get different results. Supports some single seat and multiple seat election methods. Source Try it out!
Line planner
Line planner is a simple website that allows the planning of train lines (e.g. subway lines) on an OpenStreetMap canvas. Also supports import/export, as well as automatic naming of stations.
A simple emulator for a custom assembly language. The website allows the programming of machines with simple operations and also I/O, as well as the combination of these machines to create larger more complex algorithms.
An operating system for ARM5 based machines, specially LEGO Mindstorms (but mostly developed with qemu). Supports syscalls and a user mode library, scheduling and networking.